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What artificial intelligence can achieve

Monday 26 January 2009 at 1:13 pm The time when artificial intelligence will make robots more intelligent than we are, has not arrived yet. Artificial intelligence is however more than a dream for illuminated scientists; it is a very active and broad research field from which many useful tools for solving problems have arisen.
The applications where artificial intelligence can help are broadly divided into three categories, that are detailed hereafter... (more)

Machine learning videos

Monday 26 January 2009 at 1:10 pm For people interested in leaning about machine learning, here is a list of websites where you can find video lectures on topics related to machine learning.

The main reference are www.videolectures.net, which has a section dedicated to videos from the PASCAL network, and AAAI.org.

On delicious, pskomoroch has compiled a huge list of videos in various domains, including machine learning. And of course, there's always Google video..

Some blogs also link to videos. Free Science and video lectures online! has compiled a list of video lecture given at Machine Learning Summer School 2003, 2005 and 2006. Most videos come from www.videolecture.com. Data Wrangling proposes a large list of Hidden Video Courses in Math, Science, and Engineering, and Business Intelligence, Data Mining & Machine Learning a list of Machine Learning OnLine Lectures. Olivier Bousquet also has a page dedicated to Machine Learning Videos. On Cgkt’s Weblog, you can find Video Lectures on Probabilistic Graphical Models, as well as on LectureFox; free university lectures » mathematics

Finally note that Berkeley and the MIT also publish online videos of lectures.

Feel free to comment and/or add more sources!

For less advanced lectures, here is a link to a video by Tom Mitchell, author of one of the founding reference book in machine learning. He is the head of the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University. The video is aimed at people not knowing the field of machine learning and contains very few technical contents. Interested readers may also consider reading hiw white paper introducing Machine Learning.
